“More than just a place to sleep”

a) Metaphor “a teenagers bedroom is her showroom”

b) This text “more than just a place to sleep” is about a museum exhibit displaying 26 different bedrooms of teenagers, and compares them to the occupants life stage and their generation. It shows us how important a teenagers room is to them, and how vital it is to their social and personal wellbeing, teaching parents that they should have a more “liberal” attitude towards parenting. The language techniques of metaphor and direct quotes help us to understand these ideas about teenage bedrooms.

Metaphor is a language technique where something is said to be something other than itself, and is used to show someone’s perception of the object and the links they make to it in their mind. “a teenagers bedroom is her showroom” is a metaphor in this text that helps us to understand the importance of a teenagers room to them by saying that a teenagers room is a “showroom”, a showroom is a place things are displayed, so their bedroom is a place where their whole identity and personality is on display, showing us how important a teenagers room is to their wellbeing and their social lives. “The rooms are filled with objects and mementos from everyday activities, a sort of 3-D scrapbook” is another metaphor that says a teenagers room is a “3-D scrapbook”. A scrapbook is a homemade book that shows the highlights and memories of someone’s past experiences, so this passage is saying a teenagers room is a 3-D version of their past, with all their highlights and “mementos” on display. This shows how important a teenagers room is to them because it shows that they value it so much that they invest lots of time and energy displaying their history and life experiences in it, showing it must be of value and have emotional importance to them.

Direct quoting is a language technique

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