Practice Macbeth Essay

Explore Shakespeare’s use of language effects and dramatic devices and how they reveal the action of ambition on the character Macbeth.

Plan stuff: 2 language effects: Direct Statement, “From this moment forth, the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand”, shows his ambition is making him lose self control, he values ambition over common sense/ good judgment. “Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle towards my hand?” Symbol? “Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Shows his uncontrolled ambition has made Macbeths achievements seem hollow, like he doesn’t deserve or suit them. Shows that he has to much drive to achieve his ambitions. “will all neptunes ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” Dramatic device: Pathetic fallacy, “hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear the very stones prate of my whereabouts” Showing Macbeths ambition is causing him to become suspicious and nervous, showing he has been pushed by his ambition to do immoral things. This is reflected in the natural world by the “very stones” listening out to expose him.

Intro: Shakespeare is a playwright whose ambition did him well. His epic (and often brutal) plays are still studied and read over 400 years after they were written. Macbeth is one these plays, and people are still reading it today, which is because it contains universal themes that are relevant to all people, of all generations. The theme I will be writing about is ambition in humans. By looking at language techniques and dramatic devices used by Shakespeare, I will be revealing the action of ambition on the character Macbeth, and the effects this ambition has on his mindset and wellbeing. I will be exploring the language techniques of direct statement and symbolism, and the dramatic device of pathetic fallacy to show the action of ambition on Macbeth.

1: Direct statement- “firstling of heart” etc, show unrestrained ambition

2: Symbolism- “Title hang loose about him” etc show how unmoral sucess is not rewarding

3:Pathetic fallacy- “stones prate of whereabouts” etc show how the ambition is putting Macbeth into a bad mindset

4:Conclusion- link all the ambitious effects to our lives and how Shakespeare has timeless themes that link to us.

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